Merit-based scholarships

Students who perform particularly well in their studies can apply for a merit scholarship in the following academic year. The financial situation of the student or their parents is irrelevant. This means that you can receive both the merit scholarship and the regular study grant.

This year, 208 merit scholarships worth 1,392 euros each are available. sh.asus has successfully campaigned for the merit scholarships to be advertised again in spring 2024. Applications can be submitted on the basis of academic success (grade point average or final grade) in the academic year 2022/23.

The award guidelines, the competition announcement and the link to the online application are also available on the website of the administration.

The sh.asus press release on the reintroduction of the merit scholarships can be found here (German/Italian).


Application submission: 13 March - 24 April 2024, 12 noon

Publication of provisional results: 16 May 2024

Rectification period: 16 - 30 May 2024, 12:00 noon

Publication of final results: 20 June 2024

Scholarship payment: probably by mid-August


Merit-based requirements:

Applicants must have achieved the following academic success in the period from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023:



The exams indicated in the application must also meet certain requirements:

There are also additional points for:


Documents to be submitted:

Non-EU citizens must present the original residence permit for Italy in person to the Office for University Funding in person. Deadline: 24 April 2024, 12:00 noon.

Applicants who are studying at a university in a non-EU country must upload the confirmation of enrolment and a confirmation of the examinations taken or the final certificate with final grade.

Language certificates or participation in an international mobility programme must also be uploaded.

Access to the website:

You can access the application form on myCivis ( in the following ways:

Please note: if access with eIDAS does not work students can apply for a certified account at the Office for Higher Education Support.

How to create a certified account: the student must go to the Office for Higher Education Support (Building 7, Via Andrea Hofer 18, 39100 Bozen/Bolzano) to create a certified account. By appointment, he/she can go to the office in person or arrange an appointment for a video call. You will need a valid identity document and your Italian tax code. Here you can find the application form and more detailed information in the guidelines of the Office for Higher Education Support.

Publication of results and correction period:

The provisional results will be published on the provincial administrations’s website on 16 May 2024. Applicants will then have from 16 May to 30 May 2024 at 12 noon to submit a correction in case of incorrect information/errors in the application. The final results will be published by 20 June 2024. An overview of the deadlines can be found in the competition announcement/call for applications.

Calculation and allocation of scholarships for special merit:

Scholarships are awarded according to a scoring system. Points are awarded for both the weighted average of grades and the number of ECTS/CFU listed. A table containing all the scores is attached to the call for applications.

Due to the different grading systems, there are two competitions: one for Italy and one for abroad. The total contingent (208 merit scholarships) is distributed in proportion to the number of South Tyrolean students. 85% of the merit scholarships are divided according to fields of study (humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and technology and medical studies), while 15% are awarded according to a general ranking system.

Rankings are established for students at universities in South Tyrol, in Italy and abroad. The distribution is as follows:

Universities abroad:

Universities in South Tyrol:

Universities in Italy, outside South Tyrol:


A ranking list is drawn up among all those who fulfil the requirements, whereby the principle applies: the more ECTS and the better the grade point average, the more points are awarded. Points are awarded for language certificates and participation in mobility programmes (3 points each).

How to calculate the weighted average of votes: 

Here is a practical example:

Exam 1: grade of 27 and 8 credits

Exam 2: grade of 21 and 12 credits

Exam 3: grade of 28 and 4 credits

(27x8)+(21x12)+(28x4)/(8+12+4)=average 24.16

Italy: 30L corresponds in the calculation to 30.20.

Further information:

Please note that the information available on this site is not a substitute for reading the call for applications!!!

Site of the provincial administration (ger)


Competition announcement abroad (ger/it)

Competition announcement  Italy (ger/it)