Job offers

Here is a small overview of various job offers. Many other offers are available on the Province's job exchange.

To post a job offer on this site you can write to us at the following email address: Please send us your offer in the following languages: English, Italian, German.

The PROGRESS GROUP is looking for PLC Developer. More info can be viewed here.


The VHS Südtirol is looking for course instructors for courses. More info can be viewed here.


Leitner in Sterzing/Vipiteno is looking for a controller. Further information here (italian or German).


Leitner in Sterzing/Vipiteno is looking for a IT systems engineer. Further information here.


Engel pharmacies in Olang and Rasen are looking for

- an aspirant

- pharmaceutical commercial employees or apprentice 

- Bilingual (Italian/German) pharmacist

If you are interested, please send your CV and application to

or call +39 0474 496 566 or +39 340 7902339 (Edi).

Le farmacie Engel di Valdaora e Rasun cercano

- un aspirante

- assistente farmaceutica-commerciale o apprendista 

- Farmacista bilingue (italiano/tedesco)

Se sei interessata*o, invia il tuo CV e la tua candidatura a

o chiamare il numero +39 0474 496 566 o +39 340 7902339 (Edi).


Leitner in Sterzing/Vipiteno is looking for a PLC programmer. Further information here (italian or German).

Leitner a Vipiteno è alla ricerca di un*a programmatrice / programmatore PLC. L'annuncio di lavoro può essere visualizzato qui 
